Hi Olivia,
Paracetamol (also known as panadol and tylenol) is a common pain-relief medication that you can get over the counter without prescription, but did you know it can lead to digestive issues for some people?
Research shows that up to 10% of people may experience constipation and this seems to be more common in those that take paracetamol regularly.
There is sadly no research looking at how this drug impacts people with IBS.
Please note that some products containing paracetamol also contain other ingredients which can impact the gut.
For an in depth review about this topic click here.
To try and offset constipation we recommend trying;
- A higher fiber diet
- Staying hydrated
- Moving your body daily
- Fiber supplements.
As always when it comes to medications, please check with your doctor or local pharmacist if you have concerns. |