Common FAQ
- What if I have already tried the low FODMAP diet?
If you are reading this then it is likely the low FODMAP diet did not work for you. There are a number of reasons for this but mostly it comes down to 1/ You were not doing it correctly 2/ You forgot to address the other factors of gut health i.e. fibre, fluid, sleep etc or 3/ You have SIBO or a histamine intolerance which we cover in this programme. Most people who join the programme already feel like they have 'tried it all before' and are joining because they do not know what to do next.
- Do I need to have an IBS diagnosis first?
No! The programme includes a lesson on getting an accurate diagnosis, including a PDF doctors letter from Kirsten which you can take to your doctor. This outlines the tests required (incase you have not had them) as per UK medical guidelines.
Whilst waiting for your tests, you can still start the program.
- Can I access this anywhere?
Yes! It is all online and can be accessed from a PC, laptop, smart phone or tablet.
- Do I get access to a dietitian?
Yes! There will be a weekly group video consultation with Kirsten where you can ask questions. If you are unable to attend live then you can email ahead of time (this is also good for those who with to have anonymous answers in a group setting).
- What if I can not make the live workshops and calls?
You will have the opportunity to email your questions ahead of time. The video consultation is then recorded and will be put up on your course platform within 24 hours.
- How long does it take to complete?
12 weeks (but we recently extended you access to be lifetime incase you wish to do it at a slower pace).
This is likely the biggest question that will be in your head right now. This programme should work for most people unless you have a severe mental health condition in which case you need input from a trained psychologist alongside dietary and lifestyle changes.
The reason we can be so confident is that you will be guided through baseline testing with your doctor that would rule out other health conditions so that really narrows it down. This programme targets gut health from every angle (unlike other programmes which only look at the low FODMAP diet).
- What if I don't have a lot of time?
No one has a lot of time on their hands! This is part of the issue ha! But, jokes aside, the programme is designed to fit into any lifestyle. Each lesson is around 10 minutes long and asks you to set small, manageable goals each week. So no huge lifestyle overturn. You will also now get lifetime access to the content should you need to go at a slower pace.
- Is there anyone who should not join the programme?
Those with the following health conditions should not join the programme as you will need a 121 approach: eating disorders, pregnant women and those under the age of 16.
- Is the programme refundable?
If you sign up to the programme I will offer a 'no-results' refund - this means that in the unlikely case that the programme did not work for you I will refund your money. However to keep this a fair deal, please note that this is based on you providing evidence that you have followed the advice provided.